2012 Mercedes-Benz C63 Black Series, finished in Obsidian black paintwork with black leather interior. This example has travelled 40,092kms. Accompanying the vehicle is its original documentation and two keys. Note: the compliance date is May 2012, built April 2012. It is equipped with the...
Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG Coupe Black Series 2012 近几年C63可以说是BENZ家coupe最有代表性的车 名气可以堪比当年的CLK 虽然不知道CLK和CL是不是停产了但是C63确实是一辆不错的车 如果按极速339来说那这个加速其实是有些尴尬的 但是沙漠段可以跑到320还算给力吧 作为A 794的车来说 总体来说成绩是有些慢的 但是...
All the Former Mercedes-AMG Black Series Models Witness the monster the doctor has birthed: Like all Black Series cars, the C63 Black is effectively a standard Mercedes—in this case a C63 coupe—sent to hell and back. The latter’s basic profile remains, but virtually all the mechanical bi...
The 2012 Mercedes C63 AMG Black Series borrows engine upgrades from the SLS AMG to bring the 6.2-liter V8 inside up to an astonishing 510HP and 457lbft of torque – enough to get the coupe up to 60mph in 4.2 seconds. All that power flows through an advanced seven-speed automatic that...
Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG Black Series激烈对决 MG > es > Mercedes-Benz > rc > 2024-12-31 01:57:11326播放 内容由作者提供,不代表易车立场网友评论 已有1 人参与评论 登录易车,写下您的槽点 你好! 发布 0/500 优秀的一条咸鱼 01-01 3 twinblack 举报 + 更多评论...
三叉星的暴力美学 2012款Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG CoupeCoupeC63美学如果你资金充足.又酷爱飚车.那么C63 AMG Coupe将是你不二的选择,一脚油门到底,你会看到整条街的车都被"瞬间秒杀".家用汽车
4️⃣总结 C63 AMG W204一款极具代表性的性能轿,不仅拥有AMG典的V8自引擎独特魅力...
Mercedes Benz C63 AMG BLACK SERIES (4k) MG > es > rc > R > 2024-10-26 12:38:42265播放 内容由作者提供,不代表易车立场网友评论 登录易车,写下您的槽点 你好! 发布 0/500 相关车型 奔驰C级 33.48-38.06万 获取底价 接下来要看 奔驰C级参数配置 奔驰品牌大全 奔驰C级报价 奔驰C级图片 奔驰C...
由以往标志性V8引擎换上4缸引擎及混动系统的新一代Mercedes-AMG C63 E PERFORMANCE正式抵港,新车采用技术转移自F1一级方程式赛车的全新混合动力系统,配备AMG 2.0公升涡轮引擎、后轴电力驱动组件,为驾驶者提供灵活的操控体验。除此之外,这架也是首次具备完全可变式AMG Performance 4MATIC+ 全轮驱动及主动式后轴转向...
C63 AMG SWISSVAX Oct 2, 2012 Car Detailing Melbourne Unlike traditional coatings, which are typically concocted from polymer resins, a car ceramic coating is silicon dioxide or silica (SiO2) based. Commonly derived from quartz crystals and sand, silica creates an invisible “nanotechnology coating,...