G 63 AMG (805 hp) The most powerful G-Class by performmaster with turbo upgrade and Vmax delimiter. GT63S 820 hp A masterpiece –with unbeaten power and performance Tuning C43S AMG The performance and aerodynamics package turns the C43 into the C43S. ...
Mercedes G-Class 2020 (AMG G63) – NEW G V8 Biturbo ALL-NEW G Wagon 2020 是在优酷播出的汽车高清视频,于2020-02-21 23:49:18上线。视频内容简介:Mercedes G-Class 2020 (AMG G63) – NEW G V8 Biturbo ALL-NEW G Wagon 2020
2017 Mercedes-AMG SL63 2017 Mercedes-AMG SL65 2016 Mercedes-AMG SL63 2016 Mercedes-AMG SL65 Package Touring Trim Line -inc: standard equipment Mechanical Engine: AMG 4.0L V8 Biturbo Transmission: AMG SPEEDSHIFT MCT 9-Speed Automatic Engine Auto Stop-Start Feature Automatic Full-Time ...
AMGATICGLC调校奔驰刚刚全新发布了高性能SUV车型Mercedes-AMG GLC 63 S4MATIC+,最大特色在于同之前发布的那些新一代AMG车型一样,GLC 63也带有4MATIC+加强版四驱系统,并在同期发布性能更加强大的Mercedes-AMG GLC 63 Coupe edition车型.全新AMG GLC 63 S 4MATIC+装备一台4.0L排量V8双涡轮增压biturbo发动机,你没看...
至于在动力系统方面,针对Mercedes-AMG G 63所搭载的M177 4.0L V8 BiTurbo双涡轮增压引擎,藉由软体升级ECU的方式,加上换装加大涡轮增压器、涡轮头段与全段不锈钢排气系统,让原先具备的585hp/86.7kgm动力输出,提升至850hp最大马力与102.0kgm峰值扭力的程度,进而使0-100km/h加速成绩进步至仅需3.5秒即可完成,极速表现...
前面那些都是小前菜,主菜在这里!IMSA基于S 63在小改款过后所换装的M177 4.0升V8 BiTurbo双涡轮增压引擎,IMSA藉由换装涡轮头段/中段触媒与尾段排气系统、升级涡轮增压系统与重新撰写ECU等手法。 改装的结果是惊人的,最大马力输出提升至720hp/5,600rpm的程度,同时峰值扭力也来到100.1kgm/3,800rpm的水准。
随着Mercedes-Benz旗下中坚车系-W213世代E-Class于2020年进行了中期改款,身为车系内顶级性能车型的Mercedes-AMG E 63 S自然也迎来了新的面貌,而可说是奔驰大军御用改装品牌的Brabus,近日也以E 63 S为基础打造出了最新款的Brabus 800。 首先在重点的动力系统方面,基于E 63 S所搭载的M177 4.0L V8 BiTurbo双...
The 2021 AMG G 63 SUV! You just got into the ALL-NEW 2021 AMG G 63 SUV! Wherever your Mercedes-AMG G 63 shows its face, it is met with nothing but awe. In between the gorgeous engine noise and your favorite songs, you’ll hear people saying “Look at tha
What about the G63? It’s the biggest surprise of the lot. Previously a sledgehammer of a thing, it’s now turned into a battleaxe; still as horribly devastating, but with a much keener edge. There’s still the biturbo V8 punting out 580bhp+, but with the AMG Performance 4Matic tra...
2018 Mercedes-AMG G65 2017 Mercedes-AMG G63 2017 Mercedes-AMG G65 2016 Mercedes-AMG G63 2016 Mercedes-AMG G65 Additional equipment Engine: 4.0L AMG V8 biturbo Engine Auto Stop-Start Feature Transmission: AMG SPEEDSHIFT TCT 9G Electronic Transfer Case Full-Time All-Wheel Driver S...