Fiat sale al 46% di ChryslerAndrea Malan
di D’ascenzoD’ascenzo
GREEN PAPER Corporate governance in financial institutions and remuneration policiesThe options outlined in this Green Paper are likely to accompany and supplement the legal provisions implemented or planned for the purpose of strengthening the financial system, in particular in the ...
Juventus, a Marotta 2,33 milioniPaolo Garimberti
Deutsche BankCl. Dettaglio
La partita di Monsieur BolloréMarco Moussanet
We study the influence of financial frictions on the cyclical dynamics of producer prices. Em- pirical results show that the response of industry-specific PPI inflation to changes in aggregate financial conditions depends importantly on differences in the ease of acce...
Ren Jianxin presidente PirelliLaura Galvagni
Fiat Industrial a Wall Street in estateAndrea Malan
Borse positive, spread a quota 300con articoli di e