2003. Especializacion in- dustrial y desarrollo empresarial en Baja California. region y sociedad xv (27): 107-151.Mendoza, Jorge Eduardo (2010), «El mercado laboral en la frontera norte de Mexico: estructura y politicas de empleo», Estudios Fronterizos, Vol. 11, Num. 21, Enero- ...
Copy Oportunidades Laborales relacionadas Mexico Mexico City Guardar Guardado Trafficker - Campaign Manager Marketing & Communications Hace7días Mexico Mexico City Guardar Guardado Program Lead (Monetization Practice) Marketing & Communications Hace más de 1 mes VER MÁS BÚSQUEDAS Vida...
The paper's aim is to show the response of the Mexican labour market to the economic crisis of 2008, which caused a significant fall of the production levels. The drop of the manufacturing exports to the United States brought down the production and industrial employment in Mexico, which ...
In both Mexico and the United States, young Mexicans are entering the service sector, in the United States due to a process of productive restructuring and in Mexico due to the subordination of the Mexican economy to the American one.Pozos Rivera, Patricia...
AMENAZAS Y OPORTUNIDADES DE LA ECONOMA DIGITAL EN EL MERCADO LABORAL DE MXICOdoi:10.18359/rfce.2926This literature review article aims to analyze the perspective of workers in Mexico on the threats posed and opportunities offered by information and communications technology (ICT) in t...
Los egresados de comunicacion y el mercado laboral: un estudio de trayectorias profesionales. Revista Iberoamericana de Educacion Superior, Mexico, ISSUE-UNAM/Universia, vol. V, num. 13, p. 40-54, 2014. Disponible en: http://ries.universia.net/index.php/ries/article/view/316. Acceso: 14...
B., (2015): "Las crisis economicas y sus efectos en el mercado de trabajo, en la desigualdad y en la pobreza de Mexico". Revista de Contaduria y Administracion 60 (S2) pp. 219-249. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Disponible en: http://www.cya.unam.mx/index.php/cya/...
With the aim of contributing to the empirical discussion on the use of computer technology in the labor market, an analysis of employed women in Mexico is carried out. This tests the hypothesis that the female group presents statistically significant salary differences,...
"Sobreeducacion y desfase de conocimientos en el mercado laboral de profesionistas", en Revista de la Educacion Superior. Vol. xxxvii (4), num. 148, Octubre-Diciembre, pp. 57-68. Consultado el 15 de 09 de 2009 en: http://www.anuies.mx/ servicios/p_anuies/publicaciones/revsup/148/...