MeoWant 智能猫砂盆6.5折 339.31加元+包邮 Amazon网店销售,上市价: 518.99加元,现价: 339.91加元,包邮。点击进入订购页面。 身边很多养猫的人都抱怨说,养猫是快乐的事情,但铲屎除外。很多智能设备都是围绕着这一痛点应运而生的,有了智能猫砂盆。它能在感应到猫如厕之后,会自动清理,把结团的猫砂过滤出来倒入储存盒...
It is the first self cleaning one I have had and it is so nice! The only thing I am not a fan of is the grate that separates the dirty litter has really big holes so I do have some poop slip through. I did put the poop in there from their old litter box so I am thinking ...