Wii U Menu 5.5.2 files for Cemu 1.11.4Smash Tour Fix/Mii data Cemu 1.12.2d我用single-core recompiler,并且关闭 online mode, 但运行到最后一步的时候就死机了。https://i.imgur.com/tMxcqWG.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/tssw2dG.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/AlFsICn.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/BHaAVKR....
I would love for cemu to be able to change and edit the user mii, i dumped all my account data and would love to be able to change my user mii inside cemu Wii U Menu 👍1Timberfang reacted with thumbs up emoji 👍 Contributor ...
分享4赞 cemu吧 魔法1号 cemu选择Gamepad手柄模式后可以用体感了,但是菜单键出错手柄选gamepad模式有体感了,但是按菜单键变成暂停查看WiiU Gamepad了 gamepad小窗口显示正常的,但是这样没法全屏玩了 有谁知道如何解决吗? 分享10赞 单反吧 a763677589 求助贴 佳能5D3 按菜单键各种功能键没反应如题,可以拍摄 转盘也...
请教一下 根据关键字搜寻这两帖 Wii U Menu 5.5.2 files for Cemu 1.11.4 Smash Tour Fix/Mii data Cemu 1.12.2d 我用 single-core recompiler,并且关闭 online mode, 但运行到最后一步的时候就死机了。 https://i.imgur.com/tMxcqWG.png https://i.imgur.com/tssw2dG.png https://i.imgur.com/...