太合适我这种在 Mac 菜单栏放很多图标,且经常点击这些图标调出功能菜单的人了。拖拽滑条就能调节菜单栏里的图标间距,示意图⬇️ Menu Bar Spacing 官网下载https://sindresorhus.com/menu-bar-spacing
This sounds like a great addition to your menu bar, doesn’t it? Well, guess what, you can add custom Shortcuts to the menu bar on macOS 12: Open Shortcuts on Mac Find and open the Shortcut you want to add to the menu bar Click Settings in the top right Choose “Pin in Menu...
Mac本身并没有给我们提供太多的Menu bar管理权限:最多按住Command拖动图标改变一下图标的显示顺序排列。 Bartender则帮助我们补上了这个非常重要的管理功能! 它是一款实用的menu bar管理工具,可以将大量的图标有选择地放进Bartender的二级菜单,这样也不用担心menu bar空间被用尽啦。 Bartender3已经非常成熟和智能了。...
3.打开AppDelegate.m,新增一个NSPopver的指针变量,新增部分代码,完成后代码如下。 #import"AppDelegate.h"#import"DiamondViewController.h"@interfaceAppDelegate()@propertyNSStatusItem*statusItem;@propertyNSPopover*popover;-(void)getDiamond:(NSStatusBarButton*)sender;-(void)toggleWeather:(NSStatusBarButton*)se...
Mac. The menu bar contains the Apple menu,app menus, and various status menus, such as Wi-Fi,Spotlight,and Siri.You can customize which status items are shown in Control Center settings. Control Centerand Notification Center (click the date and time) are always available in the menu bar....
Old Menu Bar 是为Mac所打造的经典菜单栏的工具,这款经典的菜单栏的工具能够让用户在Mac上面重现最为经典的菜单栏的内容,让你的菜单栏能够回到你所想要的样式,找回曾经经典的阴影效果。 兼容新的“Notched”Mac,兼容Apple Silicon 或 Intel Core 处理器 ...
The first way to remove and rearrange macOS 10.14 menu bar icons is the use of command-drag. There are some icons by the right of the menu bar such as battery life left, time and Wi-Fi and Bluetooth indicators. You can head to System Preferences and change the settings for the panel ...
On a Mac, the menu bar at the top of the screen displays the top-level menus in your app or game, which typically include both system-provided menus and custom ones. Mac users are very familiar with the macOS menu bar, and they rely on it to help them learn what an app does and ...
macOS11BigSur做对了很多事情,经过一番适应之后,视觉风格真正在您身上发展。但是,透明的菜单栏有点像易读的噩梦,是我无法忍受的。因此,我开发了BoringOldMenuBar,将“完美无缺”的macOSCatalina菜单栏引入了macOS11BigSur。赞 回复 转发 赞 收藏 只看楼主 ...
Boring Old Menu Bar Mac破解版特点介绍 开发团队为您带来Boring Old Menu Bar,它具有超过20年的Mac软件开发经验,并且基于最新的平台技术。 明亮和黑暗模式的单独设置 支持动态墙纸 支持多个桌面(空间) 支持多种显示 隐藏菜单栏图标以回收空间的可能性 没有haxies,KEXT等。