In this tutorial, I will explain how tocreate a menu bar in Tkinter. As a developer based in the USA, I recently needed to add a menu bar to my Tkinter application and encountered some challenges along the way. In this post, I’ll share my experience and provide a detailed guide with...
selectcolor, takefocus, tearoff, tearoffcommand, title, type."""# 创建菜单栏MenuBar=tk.Menu(window)# 将菜单栏放到主窗口window.config(menu=MenuBar)# 创建文件菜单,不显示分窗fileBar=tk.Menu(MenuBar,tearoff=0)# 添加文件菜单项fileBar.add_command(label="open")fileBar.add_command(label="save"...
menu菜单控件 1importtkinter23 wuya =tkinter.Tk()4 wuya.title("wuya")5 wuya.geometry("300x200+10+20")678#创建菜单栏下方的菜单条9 mubar =tkinter.Menu(wuya)10 wuya.config(menu=mubar)111213#添加菜单14#设置菜单中的内容15 mu1 =tkinter.Menu(mubar)16for iin ['上海','北京','广州','海南...
'''1.创建一个简单的Menu''' #添加菜单hello和quit,将hello菜单与hello函数绑定;quit菜单与root.quit绑定 # -*- coding: cp936 -*- from Tkinter import * root = Tk() def hello(): print 'hello menu' menubar = Menu(root) #创建主菜单,每个菜单对应的回调函数都是hello for item in ['Python',...
18#将内容添加进菜单19mu1.add_separator()#添加分割线20mu1.add_command(label=i,command=wuya.quit)21else:22mu1.add_command(label=i)23#添加进菜单栏24mubar.add_cascade(label="城市",menu=mu1)252627mu2 = tkinter.Menu(mubar,tearoff=0)28mubar.add_cascade(label='帮助',menu=mu2)293031wuya....
I run this code which aim is only to display a menu bar. There is a simple menu bar in which 3 sub-menus are created without performing anything except for theExitone which closes the window: fromTkinterimport*importtkMessageBoximportnumpyasnpimportttkimporttkFontfromPILimportImageTk, Imagefrom...
same but add photos in toolbar using PIL to generate images """ from tkinter import * # get widget classes from tkinter.messagebox import * # get standard dialogs class NewMenuDemo(Frame): # an extended frame definit(self, parent=None): # attach to top-level?
Modern menu bar widget library for customtkinter. Features Custom dropdown menus Add menu in top of title bar Classic and modern menubar with full customisability Add commands and submenus Installation pip install CTkMenuBar Menu Types CTkMenuBar ...
menu_bar.add_cascade(label='File', menu=file_menu)root.config(menu=menu_bar) The following screenshot is the result of the preceding code ( Similarly, we will add the Edit, View, and About menus ( We will also define a constant as follows: PROGRAM_NAME = " Foot...
insert(1, e), autocomplete=True) # Using autocomplete # Attach to Button button = customtkinter.CTkButton(root, text="choose options", width=240) button.pack(fill="x", padx=10, pady=10) CTkScrollableDropdown(button, values=values, height=270, resize=False, button_height=30, scrollbar...