中英字幕精译注释 | 波音为何早早停产757,而非对其升级?(Mentour Now!)辽观CathayVista 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 8.1万 404 09:24 App “累赘”?“宝贝”?一起聊聊波音757 3.3万 83 06:54 App 【转载】Life of a pilot-一个飞行员的生活 5.3万 120 00:54 App 没有人员死亡...
You're very welcome to the Mentour Pilot Website, dedicated to everyone with even the smallest interest in aviation! Have an #AbsoluetlyFantastic time!
08:58 【Swiss001】:专业飞行员玩Roblox 11:47 【Swiss001】:Q400最大的问题 08:33 【Swiss001】:不要在侧风天飞“Q800” 09:40 【Swiss001】:评价我的粉丝的模拟飞行外设 13:56 【Mentour Pilot】:200万粉纪念 09:13 【VASAviation 】:达美航空A350撞击达美航空CRJ-900尾翼ATC录音 06:30 【Captain Joe...
I became a captain when I was 25 years old, a line training captain and TRI (Type rating Instructor) when I was 26 and have since become a TRE (type Rating Examiner) as well. I am now working as a Line-training captain and Base TRE in my base in Gerona, Spain. I am married to...
I’m not a pilot nor do I want to be a pilot but I enjoy learning about airplane systems and how the planes work. It makes flying more comfortable. Plus I can grade pilot’s landings now and tell when they flair too much or too little! 更多 Willy_Kang , 2020/04/21 Must have...