The WiMIR mentoring program connects women, trans, and non-binary students, postdocs, early-stage researchers, industry employees, and faculty to more senior women and allies in MIR who are dedicated to increasing opportunities for underrepresented community members. Mentors will share their experiences...
And although GSoC mentoring organization applications have closed, there may still be opportunities for new mentors who are willing to learn a new project or participate as a “sub org” under the umbrella of a larger organization. Not in a position to mentor? Cheer on the students, advertise...
Because I was afraid that maybe I wouldn't get opportunities in the future because I cannot juggle my academics with my extra-curricular stuff.” (M3) “I feel like I learned that it's very important to dedicate a right amount of time to doing the work because we might feel that, ...
Last week, I wrote about theRevenge of the Normies.Many agreed with me that we want a return to the days where certain basic morals were accepted as normal starting with the distinction between a man and a woman determined at birth. No amount of transing, drugs, or surgery is ever going...
You might not make a movie, write a book, or tell your testimony from a stage, but God will bring people across your path and the Holy Spirit will prompt you to share.Every day, you encounter opportunities to share your testimony, and every time you tell it, you’ll remember how good...