Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS): validated for teenage school students in England and Scotland. A mixed methods assessment. BMC Public Health. 2011; 11 (487):1471–2458.Clarke A, Friede T, Putz R, Ashdown J, Martin S, Blake A, Adi Y, Parkinson J, Flynn P, Platt S...
WEMWBS and comparator scales, together with socio-demographic information and self-reported health, were incorporated into a self-administered questionnaire given to pupils aged 13 to 16 years in six schools in Scotland and England. Psychometric properti
Plenary Session:The Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS): a valid and reliable tool for measuring mental well-being in diverse populations an... The Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale (WEMWBS): a valid and reliable tool for measuring mental well-being in diverse populations ...
This study assesses the construct validity and sensitivity to change of the Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (SWEMWBS) as an outcome measure in the treatment of common mental disorders (CMD) in primary care settings. Methods 127 participants attending up to 5 sessions of therapy ...
Demand for instruments to monitor mental well-being at a population level and evaluate mental health promotion initiatives is growing. This article describes the development and validation of a new scale, comprised only of positively worded items relating to different aspects of positive mental health...
There is growing interest in measuring the eudaimonic perspective of mental well-being (social and psychological well-being) alongside existing measures of the hedonic perspective of mental well-being (subjective well-being). The Flourishing Scale (FS) assesses core aspects of social-psychological fun...
Validation of two versions of the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale among Norwegian adolescents: "Measuring Mental Well-Being: A Validation of the Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale in Norwegian and Swedish." Scandinavian Journal of Public... R Ringdal,MEB Eilertsen,HN Bjrnsen...
With a total number of 3400 participants, a sequence of four studies in two waves of data collection, the present study identified the conceptualization and construction of a mental wellbeing scale in a modern Asian multi-ethnic community-Singapore. Study 1 consisted a series of interviews (N =...
沃里克爱丁堡心理健康量表 (中文简短版)The Chinese Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (C-SWEMWBS)以下是一些关于感觉与想法的句子 请在每句下面选出最能形容你过去两星期的经验 在过去两星期、我对未来感到乐观 a.从来没有 b.很少有 c.有些时候有 d.经常有 e.不断有 在过去两星期、我...
Well-being outcomes included self-esteem and life satisfaction. Self-esteem was assessed using a 1-item measure of global self-esteem, which has been validated as an alternative approach to the Rosenberg self-esteem scale.23 One item from the 5-item Satisfaction With Life Scale was selected to...