DefInitions: 1.AlertLevel:Ingeneralparticipantscoringbeloweducation-adjustedcut-off scores*ontheMMSEmaybecognitivelyimpaired. MMSE-EDUCATIONADJUSTEDCUT-OFFSCORES a. Subjectswhoseeducationlevelsare7tbgradeorlower,ascoreonthe MMSEof22orbelow b. Subjectswhoseeducationattainmentlevelis8thgradeorsomehigh ...
Comparison of the Short Test of Mental Status and the Mini-Mental State Examination in mild cognitive impairment Archives of Neurology, 60 (2003), pp. 1777-1781 Google Scholar Tombaugh and McIntyre, 1992 T.N. Tombaugh, N.J. McIntyre The Mini-mental State Examination: a comprehensive review Jo...
Strong agreement exists that basic R/S competencies include respect, empathy, examination of bias, and routine assessment of R/S in mental health care. Four in five of those surveyed agree that more active competencies, such as identifying and addressing religious and spiritual struggles and ...
The associations between ethnicity and mental health problems (MHPs) among children and adolescents in the UK have been reported in recent years. However, this is the first review to compare and synthesise these associations and provides a deep understan 23. Mitchell KS, Wolf EJ, Reardon AF, Miller MW. Association of eating disorder symptoms with internalizing and externalizing dimensions of psychopathology among men and women. Int J Eat ...
46 However, our sensitivity analyses using broader definitions (ie, ≥2 visits to an appropriate sector or being in ongoing treatment at the time of interview) accounted for these possibilities and still found that half of treated cases are cared for inadequately. Fifth, no effort was made to ...
Think about it like this: If you or your loved one had crushing chest pain or a severe auto accident, you would want the doctor to do a very careful examination, monitor the condition carefully, and address both treatment and safety if you had a 12-20% probability of dying from your ...
Think about it like this: If you or your loved one had crushing chest pain or a severe auto accident, you would want the doctor to do a very careful examination, monitor the condition carefully, and address both treatment and safety if you had a 12-20% probability of dying from your ...
“how the arena of relationships is made intelligible and what concepts allow the distinctions between the normal and the pathological to be thought.”Footnote52One way to ask that question in relation to my empirical material is to ask if and how definitions of particular ailments are given. ...
Financial, material, and social assets are core drivers of access to salutary resources. However, there is a paucity of research about how non-income financial assets shape mental health. We explore the relation of financial assets with symptoms of depre