. . Health care providers perform a societal function of undoubted social utility, but they are not entitled to an elevated status in tort law that would categorically immunize them from liability when their negligent prescriptions cause physical injury to nonpatients.” Without regard to the merits...
. . Health care providers perform a societal function of undoubted social utility, but they are not entitled to an elevated status in tort law that would categorically immunize them from liability when their negligent prescriptions cause physical injury to nonpatients.” Without regard to the merits...
Physical health and functioning The global health item on the Short Form Health Survey SF-12 [29] was used to assess global health status. This item asked participants to rate their health on a five point scale from 'poor' to 'excellent'. The variable was categorised as either Fair/poor ...
. . Health care providers perform a societal function of undoubted social utility, but they are not entitled to an elevated status in tort law that would categorically immunize them from liability when their negligent prescriptions cause physical injury to nonpatients.” Without regard to the merits...
Marital status varied: 14 par- ticipants being single, 22 married, 19 divorced, and five living with partners. Over two-thirds (66.7%) were not employed, ten (16.7%) worked from home, three (5.0%) worked part- time, and seven (11.7%) worked full-time. Most respondents (55) had ...
Marital status varied: 14 par- ticipants being single, 22 married, 19 divorced, and five living with partners. Over two-thirds (66.7%) were not employed, ten (16.7%) worked from home, three (5.0%) worked part- time, and seven (11.7%) worked full-time. Most respondents (55) had ...
Eligibility criteria for coaches were: ages 18–24 years; an undergraduate beyond 2nd-year status enrolled at the University; English fluency; able to give consent. Students were recruited via flyers posted on campus and university websites and provided to university referral sources. Flyers ...