Abnormal results for a mental status examination include: Any evidence of organic brain damage. Evidence of thought disorders. A mood or affect that is clearly inappropriate to its context. Thoughts of suicide. Disturbed speech patterns. Dissociative symptoms. Delusions or hallucinations.A...
Mental status examination revealed poor grooming and hygiene, increased psychomotor activity, rapport not established, eye-to-eye contact established, but not maintained, with irritable affect, delusions of reference and persecution, elementary auditory hallucinations and insight grade I/V. Acute psychosis...
According to Frey (2002), a comprehensive mental status examination evaluates 10 areas of functioning: (1) overall appearance, (2) movement and behavior (gait, coordination, eye contact and facial expressions), (3) mood (underlying emotional tone of person's answers), (4) affect (outwardly ...
mental statusclock drawingmini mental status exambillingsuicidemalingeringcapacitytattooIntroduction One of the challenges facing behaviorally oriented neurologists is that many patients' symptoms fall beyond the scope of a physical neurological evaluation. Frequently, patients with neurodegenerative disease, ...
EMOTIONAffectMoodSuicideHomicide BEHAVIOR AppearanceAttitudeActivitySpeechappearsstatedage,usesacanetowalkcooperative,hostile,detachednormal,increased,agitated,subduednormalrate/rhythm,dysarthric Dress GroomingHygiene casual,provocative,dirty disheveled,meticulousclean,malodorous COGNITIVEEXAM(“Mentalstatus”)
subdued Speech normal rate/rhythm, dysarthric Dress casual, provocative, dirty Grooming disheveled, meticulous Hygiene clean, malodorous COGNITIVE EXAM (“Mental status”) REASONING LANGUAGE MEMORY ATTENTION AROUSAL COGNITIVE EXAM (“Mental status”) REASONING LANGUAGE MEMORY ATTENTION AROUSAL Must know ed...
6、 Speechnormal rate/rhythm, dysarthric Dresscasual, provocative, dirty Groomingdisheveled, meticulous Hygieneclean, malodorous,COGNITIVE EXAM (“Mental status”),REASONING LANGUAGE MEMORY ATTENTION AROUSAL,COGNITIVE EXAM (“Mental status”),REASONING LANGUAGE MEMORY ATTENTION AROUSAL,Must know education,...
Components of the Mental Status Exam Appearance Behavior Speech Mood Affect Thought process Thought content Cognition Insight/Judgment Appearance: What do you see? Build, posture, dress, grooming, prominent physical abnormalities Level of alertness: Somnolent, alert Emotional facial expression Attitude ...
EMOTIONAffectMoodSuicideHomicide AppearanceAttitudeActivitySpeechDressGroomingHygiene BEHAVIOR appearsstatedage,usesacanetowalkcooperative,hostile,detachednormal,increased,agitated,subduednormalrate/rhythm,dysarthriccasual,provocative,dirtydisheveled,meticulousclean,malodorous COGNITIVEEXAM(“Mentalstatus”)REASONING LANGUAGE...
If this section is thorough enough, a reader of your mental status exam should be able to pick out the person out of a room. The mental status exam starts when you first set eyes on the patient. The following is a sample of items that should be included in the APPEARANCE section: ...