Pregnancy can be a particularly difficult time to develop symptoms of a major mental illness. Psychiatric symptoms can impair a woman鈥檚 ability to manage the profound changes accompanying the birth of a child. Mental illness can adversely affect nutrition, prenatal care, and obstetric outcome. If...
Mental illness in pregnancy British Journal of MidwiferyAndrews K
A new study led by a University of Toronto researcher has found that women with chronic physical conditions are more likely to experience mental illness during pregnancy or shortly after giving birth. "Women with a chronicphysical conditionlike diabetes, hypertension and asthma may benefit from target...
We investigated mental health risks during pregnancy and parenthood in parents who conceived unintentionally or through fertility treatment compared to those who conceived naturally and intentionally. Methods We conducted a web-based study with 10,000 adults ≥ 18 years old, either pregnant or ...
MENTAL ILLNESS FOLLOWING PREGNANCYVon Hagen, Karl O.The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
We investigated mental health risks during pregnancy and parenthood in parents who conceived unintentionally or through fertility treatment compared to those who conceived naturally and intentionally. Methods We conducted a web-based study with 10,000 adults ≥ 18 years old, either pregnant or ...
In the United States, among all people, one in five will experience a mental illness in a given year, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Also in the U.S., around 380,000 babies are born prematurely -- before the 37th week of pregnancy -- each ye...
Home > October 1952 - Volume 7 - Issue 5 > Electroshock Treatment of Mental Illness During Pregnancy < Previous Abstract | Next Abstract > Text sizing: A A A You could be reading the full-text of this article now... if you become a subscriber (I am a subscriber ) if you ...
Pregnancy test. Credit: public domain Women with serious mental illness (SMI) who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy face gaps in information, support and resources in mental health services, new research suggests. The findings,publishedApril 1 in the peer-reviewed journalHealth Affairs, highlight...
Positive mental health is an essential component of overall health and well-being. However, research in this area has been relatively neglected. This study used a longitudinal dataset to investigate the impact of maternal positive emotions during pregnancy on brain structure and function in 7.5-year...