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In the vibrant world of education, the well-being of our students is a beacon that guides everything we do. In line with Mental Health Awareness Week, we’re taking a moment to shine a spotlight on the importance of mental health support within our partner centres. Just as we nurture aca...
Monday:Mental Distress Activities, Mental Illness Reflection Wall, Mental Health Kahoot Tuesday:Anorexia, Depression, and Anxiety Support,Mental Distress Activities Wednesday:Storytelling, Mental Distress Activities, Meditation Thursday:Dispelling Myths on Autism Spectrum ... 10th is the World Health Organization’s World Mental Health Day and all week long is recognized as Mental Illness Awareness Week. Geared toward raising awareness and improving access to mental health care, this day reminds us of the importance of...
With the theme of this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week – which runs from 9 May to the 15 May this year – being loneliness, it’s easy to see why the week is still crucial; it can often feel insurmountable to voice out feelings. Interestingly, it is an issue with which the cre...
How is your mental health? October 6 through 12 isMental Illness Awareness Weekin Canada, so we're looking into the issues millions of Canadians face every day. Many students struggle with mental health concerns like anxiety and depression. In a competitive environment like college or university,...
Speaking to Sky News during Mental Health Awareness Week, Euan, a 19-year-old from London, tells us his mental health deteriorated so much he felt the only option was ending his life: I'm telling my story because I want to show people that suicide is never the answer. ...
On a recent visit to Old Trafford, and ahead of Mental Health Awareness Week, club reporter Zarah Connolly sat down with Fury to pass his message to fans who might be struggling. We urge anyone who might be struggling to read on... ...
How is your mental health? October 6 through 12 isMental Illness Awareness Weekin Canada, so we're looking into the issues millions of Canadians face every day. Many students struggle with mental health concerns like anxiety and depression. In a competitive environment like college or university,...