Mental Illness Awareness Week October 7-13: What About the Children of our Troops?The Healthline Editorial Team
October 6 through 12 isMental Illness Awareness Weekin Canada, so we're looking into the issues millions of Canadians face every day. Many students struggle with mental health concerns like anxiety and depression. In a competitive environment like college or university, with academic and social pre... 10th is the World Health Organization’s World Mental Health Day and all week long is recognized as Mental Illness Awareness Week. Geared toward raising awareness and improving access to mental health care, this day reminds us of the importance of...
October 6 through 12 isMental Illness Awareness Weekin Canada, so we're looking into the issues millions of Canadians face every day. Many students struggle with mental health concerns like anxiety and depression. In a competitive environment like college or university, with academic and social pre...
World Mental Health Day, which is supported by the United Nations (UN), is annually held on October 10 to raise public awareness about mental health issues worldwide. This event promotes open discussions on illnesses, as well as investments in prevention and treatment services. Depression, inclu...
In the vibrant world of education, the well-being of our students is a beacon that guides everything we do. In line with Mental Health Awareness Week, we’re taking a moment to shine a spotlight on the importance of mental health support within our partner centres. Just as we nurture aca...
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声音简介 Our school is organizing assessment of mental health and activities to raise our awareness of the mental health diseases and today we are going to offer you some information about it. 播音:黄灿 邹楚燕 编辑:丁泠然 责编:向喆 导播:杨思玺 图片来源 ...
Monday:Mental Distress Activities, Mental Illness Reflection Wall, Mental Health Kahoot Tuesday:Anorexia, Depression, and Anxiety Support,Mental Distress Activities Wednesday:Storytelling, Mental Distress Activities, Meditation Thursday:Dispelling Myths on Autism Spectrum ...
With the theme of this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week – which runs from 9 May to the 15 May this year – being loneliness, it’s easy to see why the week is still crucial; it can often feel insurmountable to voice out feelings. Interestingly, it is an issue with which the cre...