Mental Health Care in NamibiaIntegration of Traditional HealingGrounded Theory EthnographyMental Illness ExplanationsAlthough 12–13% of Namibians are reported to struggle with psychological distress, very few practitioners are available to provide mental health services in Namibia. Those practitioners who are...
health care system. Four categories were identified in analyses: Provision of Mental Health Services in the North, Practitioners' Conceptualizations of Psychological Distress: Western and Aawambo Influences, Beliefs about Mental Health Services in the North, and Integration of Traditional Treatment and ...
SIR,-I would like to clarify some of Professor Joseph Levenstein's comments in his news item concerning the ending of apartheid in South African government hospitals.' No one would dispute the injustice, waste, and inefficiency of the old two tier system. That expenditure on primary health care...
Parents play a prominent role in the mental health care of their children. Parents help their children access care, ensure treatment compliance, and provide support [17, 18]. Caregivers are often the first to detect early signs of mental illness and distress in their children. Additionally, chil...
The FAA meanwhile, maintains it has “made significant strides” in the mental health arena, and is asking the aviation community to “help change the narrative”. “We can’t afford to lose even one more life that could be saved with early treatment that helps th...
This study estimates contact coverage of MNS services in refugee camps by presenting rates of visits to camp primary care centers for treatment of MNS problems utilizing surveillance data from the Health Information System (HIS) of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Methods Data were...
the book is a major contribution to international efforts to increase understanding regarding the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental health problems in children and adolescents and a possible harbinger of future directions for more traditional textbooks” [17]. “Some striking features set ...