Mantra Mental Health, LLC focuses on mental health. We offer mental health therapy for trauma, anxiety, depression and more. We offer EMDR therapy, IFS therapy, expressive arts therapy, and more. EMDR and Expressive Arts Consultation and Supervision.
Find healing from trauma and improve mental health with Wayfare Counseling. Expert therapists ready to guide your journey. Book your session today.
St. Louis Park, MN Mental Health Therapy | Margaret Stearns, has been treating trauma and various mental health symptoms and diagnoses for over 15 years.
Khiron Clinics is a Global Trauma Recovery and Mental Health Clinic. Contact us or Request a Callback Today.
Get professional mental health therapy support for anxiety, depression, trauma, and more in Los Angeles and Encino. Schedule your therapy session today!
Put in the effort to make therapy effective Many people may worry that therapy isn't effective when they have a poor experience. However, you can control whether you continue your sessions, switch providers, or request a new treatment approach. Mental health therapy can be a collaborative proces...
(PET) is a therapy that helps the brains of individuals living with PTSD to disassociate the connection between trauma triggers (sights, sounds, smells, tastes, feelings) and the traumatic event. This prolonged exposure therapy may be a way for a client to gain control over their trauma and...
Parkhurst Associates provides quality counseling for individuals, couples, & families in DC struggling with anxiety, trauma, stress, & more.
Explore information on mental health medications, which can offer temporary relief from the symptoms of mental illness. Therapy Info When it comes to dealing with mental health issues, talk therapy is an effective way to transform distressing emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. ...
have a relevant master’s or doctoral degree, and have at least three years of experience and over 1,000 working hours. BetterHelp therapists help with many common mental health concerns, from grief and stress to relationships,anxiety, depression, trauma, and more. Some providers specialize in ...