The China Mental Health Survey (CMHS) is the first nationally representative community survey on mental disorders and mental health services in China. One-step diagnoses for mood disorders, anxiety disorders and substance use disorders were obtained using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview-3....
The article focuses on the survey "Innerworkings: A Look at Mental Health in Today's Workplace," which was conducted in the U.S. by the "Employee Benefit News" magazine. The survey found that mental illness affects indirect industrial costs. It concluded that social stigma and unawareness ...
A recent survey by China Youth Daily and, involving 2,007 respondents, revealed that 47.6% of participants advocate for better integration of sports and mental health education for teenagers. Additionally, 52.1% emphasized the need for comprehensive family education improvements to enhance ...
Objective:To investigate the mental health of freshmen in Xiamen University. Methods: A total of 2 226 freshmen of 1998 from Xiamen University completed the SCL-90. Results: There were 153 students who scored above 3 on one or more sub-scales. The most common mental health problems were comp...
RHA Health Services is pleased to announce that it has achieved Person-Centered Excellence Accreditation from CQL | The Council on Quality and... Feb 28, 2025, 08:44 ETNew Survey Offers Detailed View of Short- and Long-Term Burden of Guillain-Barré Syndrome ...
A recent survey by China Youth Daily and, involving 2,007 respondents, revealed that 47.6% of participants advocate for better integration of sports and mental health education for teenagers. Additionally, 52.1% emphasized the need for comprehensive family education improvements to enhance...
Free Essay: A National Youth Mental Health Survey reported that 14% of children and young people in Australia experienced mental health difficulties (Sawyer...
WHO established the World Mental Health (WMH) Survey Consortium in 1998 to address such limitations.32 The CIDI was expanded to include detailed questions about disorder severity, impairment, and treatment.33 Coordinated WMH-CIDI surveys were then implemented in 28 countries around the world, ...
Third, Dunedin participants have lived through the changes from the DSM-III to the DSM-5; some disorders’ criteria have changed, and interview questions were accordingly updated. As such, the findings reflect the changing health care practices during participants’ lives. Fourth, and relatedly, ...
This enables youth to gain knowledge, feel comfortable asking questions, and ask for help when needed. One potential barrier for increasing educators’ mental health literacy is that many schools lack access to mental health professionals, particularly those able to lead trainings in critical areas (...