kinship care, residential care) is poorer than non-care-experienced populations. The Care-experienced cHildren and young people’s Interventions to improve Mental health and wEll-being outcomes Systematic review (CHIMES) aimed to synthesise the international evidence base for interventions targeting...
The connection between mind and body, between mental health and physical health, has been around for centuries, but in recent decades, researchers have confirmed that mental health status has a direct impact on immune response–at the cellular level. That is, the body’s ability to resist or ...
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are negatively associated with a range of child health outcomes. In this study, we explored associations between five individual ACEs and child mental health diagnoses or symptoms. ACEs included living with someone who had an alcohol-related problem, common mental...
White Rachel7, White Sarah1 and The Self Care in Mental Health research team Abstract Background: Supporting self-care is being explored across health care systems internationally as an approach to improving care for long term conditions in the context of ageing populations and economic constraint....
We chose this site because it is very close to Southampton High School and would maximize forest bathing time. This location also provided a mix of closed- and open-canopy forests and a small pond shoreline, which offered a variety of spaces for partnership invitations. Figure 1. Forest ...
There is increasing recognition of the therapeutic function pets can play in relation to mental health. However, there has been no systematic review of the evidence related to the comprehensive role of companion animals and how pets might contribute to t
Improving community health networks for people with severe mental illness: a case study investigation. Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library. (Health Services and Delivery Research, No. 3.5.); 2015. Google Scholar Rao D, Elshafei A, Nguyen M, Hatzenbuehler ML, Frey S, Go VF. A ...
Informal carers play a vital role in supporting Australians living with a mental illness, including during the acute phases of illness; however, little is known about their impact on length of hospital stay. We aimed to investigate the impact of having a carer and of carer burden on length of...
Recent evidence suggests that there is an increasing need for accessible and anonymous services to support higher education (HE) students suffering from ps
Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library. Health Services and Delivery Research, No. 3.5, Chapt 3, Network mapping Kharicha K, Iliffe S, Manthorpe J, Chew-Graham CA, Cattan M, Goodman C et al. (2017) What do older people experiencing loneliness think about primary care or community based...