Mental Illness Carer SupportMENTAL Health Carers ARAFMI Queensland support group meetings for this month are Monday, February 14, at 7pm and Friday, February 25, at 9.30am.News Mail Bundaberg Qld
lessons learned Following a request from Queensland Health for NSW staff to assist in the mental health response in areas devastated by the January 2011 floods, four teams of mental health staff travelled to Queensland for a series of two-week deployments to support their Queensland colleagues in ...
The areas were crucial to the birds' feeding and nesting. I knew losing these places would be a disaster for the already small and isolated population. At home in Queensland, I felt helpless and anxious. As ecology students, we learn a lot about the problems facing the most vulnerable life...
University of Queensland researchers are conducting the Queensland trial of a new treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) using an... Strongest evidence yet that being obese causes depression New research from the University of South Australia and University of Exeter in the UK has found ...
Focus groups and interviews were conducted with 32 participants to identify elements of paid peer support work in two organizations in Queensland, Australia. Participants included peer-supported consumers, paid peer support workers, managers and other key stakeholders. Through a grounded theory analysis,...
Contact customer support Author information Authors and Affiliations Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research, University of Queensland, St Lucia, Queensland, 4076, Australia John J. McGrath Department of Psychiatry, University Medical Centre, Utrecht, 3508, GA, The Netherlands Jean-Paul Selten Righ...
The overall level of penetration in the school sector of Queensland was low (3%). The qualitative analysis indicated an improvement in the referral and communication processes between schools and the health sectors and the importance of funding in the implementation of the initiative. Mapping of ...
Peter Silburn The University of Queensland , Australia MAS Ahmed Queen’s Hospital UK Noboru Imai Japanese Red Cross Shizuoka Hospital, Japan Zhoulei Li Institute of Helmholtz Center Munich Gibraltar Steven Benvenisti Partner at Davis, Saperstein & Salomon Personal Injury Law Firm NJ &...
Ultimately, this study provides a more nuanced understanding of the aid worker sector, which can inform the development of more targeted mental health support.doi:10.1111/disa.12440Tarli YoungPhD Candidate, School of Psychology The University of Queensland AustraliaKenneth I. Pakenham...
School of Education, University of Queensland, St. Lucia, QLD, Australia Garth Stahl School of Social Work, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA Daphne C. Watkins & Keith F. Miller Jr. The National Centre for Aboriginaland, National Centre for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Well...