Achieve Better Mental Health Anytime, Anywhere Sign UpStart a Chat Have an account through one of our partners? ▼ The iPrevail Process Access a Unique Mental Health Network on Any Device: Interactive Lessons, Peer Support Chats, and Community Groups All in One Place ...
Explore a wide range of mental health programs and resources in Kelowna, designed to provide support and improve well-being for individuals and families. Get help today!
According to Culinary Hospitality Outreach Wellness, 63% of hospitality workers suffer from depression, 84% feel stress from their jobs and 65% report using substances at work. Now CHOW is offering financial planning, nutrition advice and other support.Sept 12, 2023...
“Providing support across the organization required a partner with the ability to reach everyone, regardless of location, language preference, or level of need. Modern Health’s approach to mental health allowed us to frame this resource as something for everyone.” ...
Tailoring employee mental health programs worldwide Understanding that mental health is interconnected with various aspects of overall wellness, many of our locations worldwide provide additional resources to enhance well-being, including support in finance, legal, nutrition, and more. ...
Mental Health Support that Meets Your Needs, On Your Time Get the support you deserve — for little to no cost.* From 1-on-1 virtual therapy and coaching to on-demand self care, AbleTo helps you better manage your mental health. Using research-backed too
SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health) is Scotland’s national mental health charity. The organization offers
Sometimes this can make it hard to deal with money or your finances could be affecting your mental health. At these times, we can help you with added support. Any information you give us about your mental health is confidential and we will only ever use it to help you. It won’t ...
Organizations thrive with healthier, happier people. With Counslr, mental health support is always a text away. Request a Demo Help at any time Unlimited sessions, from the comfort of your phone. Empathetic leaders choose Counslr to empower their people and make it simple for them toprioritize...
SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health) is Scotland’s national mental health charity. The organization offers psychosocial support for 60 communities. Of the collected money, 1000 pounds went to SAMH. The remaining 1000 pounds was donated to “Telford Mind”, an organization near the headqu...