The mental health of home-carers deteriorated more during lockdown than non-carers. Policies that reinstate support for them and their care-recipients will benefit the health of both vulnerable groups. 中文翻译: 在第一次 COVID-19 全国封锁期间追踪家庭护理人员的心理健康:来自具有全国代表性的英国调查...
Masters Research - Masters of Clinical Psychology (MClinPsych)Challacombe, Cristen L
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The recent publication of a national carers strategy reflects increasing awareness of the burden of informal care on relatives of people with a disability or long-term health problem. This article examines the experiences of young carers in general, and of those caring for a parent or sibling wit...
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Data for this cross-sectional study originated from the baseline survey of a randomized control trial (RCT) aimed to assess the efficacy of a telephone-delivered psychoeducational intervention. The intervention was delivered by healthcare professionals (occupational therapists and nurses) to reduce caregiv...
Those who provide support for people with mental health often feel reluctant to ask for help. In fact, our experience shows that many individuals who provide mental health support do not identify as carers and so they do not recognise that they might need support until their situation becomes ...
UK public policy UK government pledges better treatment of people with autism and learning disabilities Long-awaited mental health bill will end use of prison cells for people experiencing severe mental illness October 28 2024 FT Swamp Notes
The research found that, compared to non-carers, mental health was worse among home-carers before lockdown, and this worsened as lockdown continued. When compared with other home-carers, those caring for a sick or disabled child under 18 or for someone with a learning disability had particular...