The subject of mental health has long been a stigmatized and taboo topic in Singapore. Singaporean society places a strong emphasis on achieving success through meritocracy, hard work, and resilience. Mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, and burnout, still carry a stigma in Singapore...
Statistics Reports Insights Research AI New Daily Data Services Solutions Prices & Access Health, Pharma & Medtech› State of Health U.S. Mental Health Issues - Statistics & Facts Choose a region: United States Despite what some may think, mental health problems are common in the Un...
mental healthThis study examined the robustness of the proposed factor structure of the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI-18) in a sample of justice-involved women ( N =406). Efforts to assess accurately and intervene effectively regarding mental health issues (namely, somatization, depression, and ...
Descriptive statistics were used to document mental health treatment rates among participants who reported a common mental disorder or suicidal thoughts and behaviours. Bivariate and multivariate regression analysis was used to identify associations between sociodemographic factors and mental healthcare ...
Indifference is revealed by the fact that despite these staggering statistics, very little specialized knowledge, training, or resources have been dedicated to addressing the unique mental health challenges men and boys face. As a result, their needs remain overlooked and continue to g...
To investigate the association between demographic characteristics and the stated intention to utilize either mental health or suicide prevention resources, bivariate logistic regressions were conducted, using IBM SPSS statistics version 27. Predictors included five demographic variables (age, gender, race/eth...
Italy can be viewed as a laboratory to assess the quality of mental healthcare delivered in a community-oriented system, especially for severe mental disorders, such as personality disorders. Although initiatives based on clinical indicators for assessing the quality of mental healthcare have been dev...
Excessive use of social media (SM) platforms and digital technology (DT), often driven by habitual scrolling due to adaptive feed experiences, has been linked to anxiety, sleep disturbances, and obsessive-compulsive behaviors while also exacerbating mental health concerns. Yet, ...
Australian Bureau of Statistics. National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing: summary of results 2007. Australian Government; 2022. Australian Bureau of Statistics. National Study of Mental Hea...
Stigma may undermine mental health and wellbeing over time through its detrimental effects on social relationships; we posit that this is a key concern for understanding stigma in depressed youths. In addition to being more susceptible to depression, young people also have a higher risk of loneline...