Statistics Reports Insights Research AI New Daily Data Services Solutions Prices & Access Health, Pharma & Medtech› State of Health U.S. Mental Health Issues - Statistics & Facts Choose a region: United States Despite what some may think, mental health problems are common in the ...
Focus: mental health. Behind the statisticsdoi:10.7748/mhp.9.10.40.s30Monitoring ethnicity does not automatically lead to equality in mental health provision but it highlights inequalities, says Madhun Kumar Foolchand.Foolchand MKMental Health Practice...
Health, Pharma & Medtech› State of Health Mental health in Colombia - Statistics & Facts Choose a region: Colombia From the use of marimbas to its portrayal of arepas and toucans, the 2021 Disney animated film Encanto has been acknowledged for its detailed depiction of Colombia’s rich ...
L .阅读理解Statistics show poor mental health is an issue that affects many. In England alone,it's said that one in four adults and one in ten children will experience mental illness.There are, of course, many types of therapy(疗法) out there-from online therapy apps to counselling(咨询)...
The Suicide Prevention Resource Center has fact sheets on suicide by state and by population characteristics, as well as on many other subjects. The SIWE Project Non-profit dedicated to promoting mental health awareness throughout the global Black community. Therapy for LatinX Therapy for LatinX serv...
Mental Health Net claims to be the "oldest and largest online mental health directory guide and community." Users can pose questions, read articles, and view resources on mental health issues. Teen Central.Net This is an excellent site for teens by teens. It was developed by experts in teen...
WHO statistics for 2002 showed that 154 million people globally suffered from depression, which is a form of mental illness. According to WHO, mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which people realize their own potential, can cope with normal life stresses, can work ...
r our mental health Health statistics may be bad for our mental healthHealth statistics may be bad for our mental healthJohn Allen PaulosSkeptical Inquirer
"There's been a significant rise in the number of young people suffering from a mental health problem over the last 10 years in the UK, but also around the world," says Dominique Thompson, a general practitioner who is also a young people's mental health expert. "Then along ca...
Thus, it is important to improve our understanding of the health status determinants, using large-scale studies, how the people evaluate in monetary values the air quality in terms of their health conditions and how air quality can be influenced directly or indirectly by public policy. Examples ...