Occupational Therapists and Social Workers servicing Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast Facilitating positive and meaningful engagement in life. Mental Health ...
BRISBANE (Qld.)MENTAL health servicesPUBLIC healthPUBLIC-private sector cooperationMuch attention has been paid recently to the possibilities offered by the development of integrated services across the public and private sectors. In mental health a variety of models have been proposed and trials ...
School of Public Health, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia Philip Burgess Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of NSW, Kensington, Australia Jackie Curtis & Grant Sara Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia David Currow Faculty of Med...
Mark offers private health rebates on counselling sessions for men & woman who suffer from anxiety symptoms. ADHD Assessments Our Psychology team offers ADHD assessment services in North Brisbane City to assist people dealing with the adverse impacts of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. By using...
Aboriginal medical services cure more than illness: a qualitative study of how Indigenous services address the health impacts of discrimination in Brisbane... Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders persistently experience a significantly lower standard of health in comparison to non-Indigenous Australians. ...
This week, Brisbane is hosting its first mental health and arts festival —The Big Reach. Through conversations, technology, and workshops, attendees will learn how the arts can play an integral role in psychosocial health. Marianne Wobckeis a Girrimay woman from North Queensland. A midwife and...
ConferenceMedical & PharmaRehabilitationMental health Follow13 Tue, 04 Feb 2025 Thriving Through Change: Resilience, Performance & Mental Health online edition available Brisbane & Online Empower yourself with practical strategies to navigate change and maintain mental wellbeing. Understand how change impacts...
Beginner-friendly Vinyasa, Yin Yoga, and Meditation classes in East Brisbane. Here we share our thoughts and musings on all things yoga, meditation, emotional & mental health.MORE Email ***@cultivatecalmyoga.com.au Facebook Followers 5.6KInstagram Followers 3.2K Domain Authority 26 Read Now Ge...
A mental health and substance abuse service for a youth detention centre. Objectives: To describe a new programme, the Mental Health Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drugs Service (MHATODS) at the Brisbane Youth Detention Centre, which ... P Letters,S Stathis - 《Australasian Psychiatry Bulletin of ...
Finally, focus also need to be placed on how mental health is being promoted to society the stigma generally associated with it. 3378 Words 14 Pages Better Essays Read More Mental Health Case Study Evidence of effectiveness- A study conducted in Brisbane State high school as cohort based ...