Edited by Thomas Grisso, Gina Vincent, and Daniel Seagrave. New York: The Guilford Press, 2005. 397 pp. $50.00.The editors of Mental Health Screening and Assessment in Juvenile Justice start with the premise that every year an increasing number of children with associated mental health disorders...
Defining an OWL Ontology That Could Be Used to Integrate Mental-Health Risk Information within a Decision Support System In the field of mental health risk assessment, there is no standardisation between the data used in different systems. As a first step towards the possible... N Wrighton,CD...
Mental health screening and assessment instruments Diagnostic and laboratory tests Diagnostic decision-making using theDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Care practices Developmentally- and age-appropriate care practices Mental health promotion and preventive health Risk assessment and safety p...
Learn how Screening and Assessment can guide intervention for personalized planning Learn how Progress Monitoring and Diagnostic Assessment can be used to evaluate performance on each social-emotional skill and related competency, (Self-Awareness, Self-Management...
Rapid screening and comprehensive assessment Remote and online administration Digital scoring and reporting Progress monitoring Mental health treatment monitoring in four easy steps Learn how you can easily assess, monitor treatment progress, and report outcomes for patients with depression, anxiety, and oth...
Screening and assessment are often more accurate in the community and home visits can facilitate medication delivery, crisis intervention and networking (Bond et al., 2001). Placing community partnerships at the centre of diversion programmes can facilitate the provision of individualised services and ...
Talkspace is here to help Therapy is for everyone. After taking the free Talkspace mental health assessment, Talkspace matches you with a provider tailored to your treatment needs. Get matched today Research on online therapy treatment and effectiveness ...
Immediate supportive interventions should focus on providing basic physical and emotional resources and care to children to help them regain both external safety and inner security. Screening and assessment of the child’s mental health burden and resources are indicated to inform targeted interventions....
Mental Health and Well-being Measures for Mean Comparison and Screening in Adolescents: An Assessment of Unidimensionality and Sex and Age Measurement Invariance doi:10.1177/10731911231158623adolescencewell-beingmental healthmeasurement invariancescreeningAdolescence is a period of increased vulnerability for low...
Clinicians should assess for suicidal and violent behavior at baseline and at least annually as part of the mental health assessment(seeFigure 1). For many clinicians, questions about suicide and violence are difficult to ask. Some clinicians may be unsure of how to respond to a patient who ex...