Shadows and Illuminations explores mental health from an anthropological lens by examining how different cultures interpret and address emotional distress. From spirit possession rituals among Malaysian aborigines to indigenous healers in Mexico, this thought-provoking documentary reveals diverse cultural approach...
Since 1949, Mental Health America (MHA) and its affiliates have led the observance of “May Is Mental Health Month.” The goal is to spread the message that mental health is something everyone should care about and encourage mental health screening. To support this year’s theme, Tools 2 Th...
Taos, New Mexico New Mexico is the hot air balloon capital of the world, and there's almost no bad season for a balloon ride. Try a morning trip and take in incredible views of the snow-covered Rio Grande del Norte National Monument and the Rio Grande Gorge. Afterward, visit Ojo Calien...
I’ve been WORKIN’ and trying to save that moneyyyyyyyyyy. Leaving to Finland in a month. Then back and spending some time alone in New Mexico, in one of my favorite spiritually grounding places for my 39th birthday. Then…. Well, who knows! I think I’m fading away from hospitality...
"I know when I had my stroke, had I not gone to the hospital, I probably wouldn't be standing here today," another Democrat, New Mexico Sen. Ben Ray Lujan told CBS News. "We should encourage people to speak up and say something if they're not feeling well." ...
National Statistics based on 2014 Monitoring the Future Study. The Monitoring the Future Study has been funded under a series of research grants from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, a part of the National Institutes of Health. MTF is conducted at the Institute for Social Research at the ...
Yoga is a common practice on a wellness retreat, but it’s not your only option for morning movement when you make your own routine for health and wellness. For some, walking along the Loreto Mexico beach or running through town is both a meditative and cardiovascular exercise to start ...
And within the temple of Kukulkan at Chichen Itza in Mexico archeologists believe there to be a second pyramid inside measuring 108 feet wide. Is it possible that our ancient ancestors knew this? These temples, built to worship and to house the souls of great leaders upon their death, ...