Awe is also closely related to gratitude. When we notice the beauty of the world around us, we naturally feel a sense of thankfulness and appreciation. As a result, our mental health improves. Research shows that people who focus on gratitude consistently show higher well-being measures in com...
Amen Clinics is a nationally recognized outpatient healthcare clinic utilizing effective techniques to better your mental health. Learn how we can help you!
A mental health infographic visualizes text, data, and cues to offer information about mental health wellness and disorders.
stoic is your mental health companion – it helps you understand your emotions and provides insights on how to be happier, more productive, and overcome obstacles. At its heart, stoic helps you prepare for your day in the morning and reflect on your day in the evening. In the process, we...
Go Mental! is Germany’s first and only international film festival that promotes authentic and destigmatizing mental health films.
COVID-19has left its mark on all of us. We’re fast approaching two years of living with a global pandemic, and still, it is everywhere. Even those who haven’t succumbed to the virus (and I haven’t) have been affected health-wise. Treatments for other illnesses have been ...
Mental Health Related Resources Mental Health Articles What Are the Behavioral Signs of Child Abuse? What Are the Nine Traits of a Narcissist? How Do I Know If I'm an Agoraphobic? What Types of Medication Treat ADHD? What Are the 17 Symptoms of Complex PTSD?
The most challenging issue in the healthcare industry is interoperability. It refers to the seamless exchange of data between different systems, devices and applications. Whencreating an application related to medical data, equipment or devices, you must ensure that your application can communicate with...
Our Lives in Pictures: A Photo Voice Project of Youth with Mental Health IssuesJohnson, VirginiaVishnevsky, TanyaCook, JamesKilmer, Ryan
CAMBIUM BREAK PICTURES(The Princess of Suburbia® Co. ) NAFCAAfricanAwards Winner~Screenwriter ~Literary Arts Award of the Year ~Uprising DirectorIndiefest Film Awards Winner~Screenwriter ~Women in Films Award Winner ASK DR. PRINCESS FUMI™ HEALTH & WEALTH QUESTIONS ...