Browse through our index of articles that provide information about common mental health topics and explore healthy ways to move forward.
which is essential for our mental health. Research indicates that “the strength of family and relationships with friends is related to happiness and life satisfaction, directly
A mental health counselor who provides therapeutic services to a man who discloses his intention to seriously harm his ex-wife’s boyfriend would have to decide whether to protect her client’s confidentiality rights or disclose the information in an effort to protect the potential victim. ...
The articles included investigative reports related to specific public events and incidents; advice columns; editorials; and didactic pieces. The articles covered the following four major topics: (1) Mental health awareness and advocacy; (2) Suicide; (3) Donations; and (4) Religion. Our findings...
Over the course of the past year of the global COVID-19 pandemic, growing attention has focused on the mental health and well-being of children and adolescents. The study by Racine and colleagues1 calls attention to a critical need that must be addressed to respond to the global mental ...
Mental Health Care In subject area: Medicine and Dentistry CMHC is a model of care in which primary care and mental health care providers share resources, expertise, and decision-making to ensure that primary care populations receive more effective, coordinated, and cost-effective mental health ...
However, the quality of care delivered by CAWs could be influenced by their knowledge and attitudes related to mental health. As far as we know, this is the first study to investigate the mental health related knowledge and attitude of CAWs in the Chinese community, especially community ...
Relevant articles Open Access articles citing this article. Employment conditions and mental health of overseas female migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong: a parallel mediation analysis Timothy S. Sumerlin ,Jean H. Kim …Roger Y. Chung
doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2022.4885 related articles icon Related Articles author interview icon Interviews Original Investigation Pediatric Mental Health Hospitalizations at Acute Care Hospitals in the US, 2009-2019 Mary Arakelyan, MPH; Seneca Freyleue, MS; Divya Avula, MPH; Jennifer L. McLaren, MD...
and psychological distress. Because this survey was conducted at a single time point in the first country to be severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, it will be crucial to track mental health symptoms among health care workers over time in China and in all other countries that are simi...