Define mental health. mental health synonyms, mental health pronunciation, mental health translation, English dictionary definition of mental health. n. 1. a. A state of emotional and psychological well-being in which an individual is able to use his or
ILO and workplace mental healthmental health problems and psychological barriers to returnmajor mental illnesses DSM IV and ICD 10IntroductionDefinitionThe Business ContextImpact on the IndividualMajor Mental IllnessMild to Moderate Mental Health ProblemsBehavioural IssuesConclusion References...
Rehabilitation and community care in mental health (2): Aspects of care in the community To be a reality, mental health care in the community requires a range of appropriate services, and practices within them. This article examines one such se......
This paper examines current rehabilitation approaches to Forensic Mental Health Care. On this basis the authors identified three broad approaches to forensic mental health assessment and treatment: (1) Risk/Needs/Responsivity; (2) therapeutic models targeting individual psychopathologies; and (3) strength...
Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health is a multidisciplinary journal that emphasizes recovery-oriented care and rehabilitation in mental ...
Rehabilitation in mental health A context for health professionals International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation Vol 14, No 12Dr Jerry Kennard
When we talk about mental health, we could seem to be talking about some self-evident reality. However, the very notion of mental health can be seen to both assume and require a specific vision of human interiority. The so-called ‘sciences of the soul’
so even this definition of “minimally adequate treatment” (derived from previous studies in HICs [100]) is perhaps over-generous. Critics of the prevailing biomedical paradigm in mental health would also take issue with any implication that medication alone is adequate for people with psychoses....
A‘Health record’ is a record which consists of information relating to the physical or mental health or condition of an individual which has been made by or on behalf of a health professional in connection with the care of that individual. ...
Rehabilitation of homeless mentally ill: Outcomes and lessons for mental health care in IndiaArun, RMukherjee, ATharyan, A