Posts about mental health written by bandy52, llhalladay, kschlag, barton345, thebrittons10, hreister, taylor.4411, and Shannon Carter
while also bringing attention to schools' shortcomings in handling it. President Joe Biden's administration recently announced over $500 million to expand mental health services in the country's schools, adding to federal and state money that has poured into ...
Summer learning loss has been the subject of longstanding concern among researchers, the public and policy makers. The aim of the current research was to investigate inequality changes in children’s mental health and cognitive ability across the summer holidays. Methods We conducted linear and logist...
Particularly, understanding the effectiveness of engagement mechanisms is crucial to address high attrition rates and low adherence. 5. As the field matures, there is a need for more rigorous RCT studies towards the effectiveness of smartphone-based Serious Games for mental health care, in order ...
Tags: Fitness, Gym, Health, Muscle, Physical exercise, Physical therapy, sports Laughter as brain injury medicine … cold feet 24 Apr It’s been a rainy spring 2013! Walking through the puddles reminds one during childhood when we’d run and jump in the fresh puddles on a warm spring ...
during this time. In addition, due to delays with app development, the program ran over the summer months, a time when many families were away on vacation and were not able to attend groups. To help reconcile low attendance rates, a 4-week break was introduced halfway through the program...
On the other hand, the observed gender differences might imply that having nearby green space is simply more important for the mental health of males. Although females have generally higher rates of depression and anxiety (World Health Organization, 2017), among people living alone, it is males ...
By including an open-ended prompt on the survey for teachers to express their experiences implementing the SEL program during the COVID-19 pandemic, we gained a better understanding of how the pandemic impacted education and the health and well-being of teachers and their students. The goal of...