Her main advocacy focus has been burnout in the healthcare industry, which includes issues like doctors being trained to stuff emotions, increased suicide rates for healthcare workers, and general issues with the overall healthcare system. Look for her book How Do You Feel: One Doctor’s ...
Furthermore, due to the sensitivity of the information and the potential for retraumatization, participants had the option to self-administer or decline to respond to the section on violence and abuse [41]. After completion of the survey, participants received a $50 honorarium to compensate for...
The NSDUH adolescent samples response rates ranged from 87.1% in 200520 to 73.9% in 201821 (according to Response Rate 2 of the American Association for Public Opinion Research22). All adolescents answered questions about at least 1 type of service for mental health problems. Assessments Mental ...
associated with mitigation of mental health disparities among TNB youths over 1 year; given this population's high rates of adverse mental health outcomes, these data suggest that access to pharmacological interventions may be associated with improved mental health among TNB youths over a short period...
Hospital admission rates for mental health in the USA during the period 1969–1993 declined in state and county mental hospitals but increased in short-term admissions to acute care general hospitals and private mental hospitals. The bed-to-population ratio in the USA has declined (Table 7.3), ...
potential mental health crisis due to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which includes the fact that difficulties in coping with this illness and associated stressors (ie, isolation, financial stressors) could lead potentially to higher suicide rates, drug overdoses, trauma, and mood disorders...
A recent systematic review and meta-analysis has confirmed high rates among ASR minors of mental health issues such as depression (14%), anxiety disorders (16%), and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD, 23%)10, requiring specialized mental healthcare services3,11. At the time of the study...
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on mental health worldwide because of complex societal disruptions and neuropsychiatric consequences stemming from SARS-CoV-2 infection. All age groups have been affected by this pandemic, with particular focus on...
Tedeschi and Calhoun refer to these positive outcomes as a “positive change experienced as a result of the struggle with trauma” [17]. There are limited studies investigating the possible growth emerging from COVID-19 pandemic, mainly focused on health care workers as a population group ...
The present cross-sectional study focused on demographic and work-related correlates of resilience and the relationship of resilience with mental health symptoms in HCW in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic. Being older and (with a small effect in the multifactorial analysis) having children were...