Mental Health Literacy in Young Adults: Adaptation and Psychometric Properties of the Mental Health Literacy Questionnaire 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 132 作者:D Pedro,C Luísa,A Helena,P Filipa 摘要: Mental health literacy (MHL) is considered a prerequisite for early recognition and intervention...
Mental Health Questionnaire for Adolescents.Bean EurelingsBontekoeSpinhoven
It was decided to investigate the feasibility of identifying the most common trauma-related disorders as validly as possible, and thus proposed a two-step procedure that includes a screening questionnaire and, if positive, further diagnostic procedures. For the first step, screening, the Refugee ...
In 2023, around 59.2 million adults in the United States received treatment or counseling for their mental health within the past year. Such treatment included inpatient or outpatient treatment or counseling, or the use of prescription medication. Anxiety and depression are two common reasons for se...
Measuring adolescent mental health around the globe: psychometric properties of the self-report Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in South Africa, a... This study evaluated the psychometric properties of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire Self-Report (SDQ-S) in South African adolescents...
The questionnaire included socio-demographic information and measures of the mental health of university students. Before doing the questionnaire, formal consent was obtained from each participant and all the participants were informed of the principle of free withdrawal and confidentiality of data and ...
As a result, anxious adults tend to delay and avoid making decisions about their future due to their negatively biased interpretations of and increased vigilance to unpredictable future events [36, 37]. Existing studies examining the relationships between future thinking and mental health in late ...
The survey covers a range of dimensions including social, demographic, health and economic conditions using a combination of face-to-face interviews with trained interviewers and a self-completion questionnaire. The initial wave of the survey began with a large national probability sample of Australian...
Women and gender-diverse individuals have faced disproportionate socioeconomic burden during COVID-19. There have been reports of greater negative mental health changes compared to men based on cross-sectional research that has not accounted for pre-COVI
Effects of limiting digital screen use on well-being, mood, and biomarkers of stress in adults. Npj Ment Health Res. 2022;1(1):14. doi:10.1038/s44184-022-00015-6PubMedCrossref 26. Goodman R. The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire: a research note. J Child Psychol ...