It's unknown why he was not taken into protective custody and then evaluated by a medical professional, but mental health experts and advocates told ABC News that, separately from the shooting, the state has been struggling to address the needs of residents for years. Lo...
This chapter will describe the level of mental health need among children involved in the child welfare/child protective services (CW/CPS) system, with a particular focus on those children removed from their home of origin and placed in child welfare custody; provide a brief legislative history ...
In a small community, everyone’s in the same boat, adds Jana Dew, a licensed clinical social worker and the only mental health care provider at Phoebe Sumter. “There are no other hospitals in town,” she says. Often, there are no other facilities to turn to in a mental health emergen...
director of the National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH), describes recent efforts to bring an evidence-based, scientific perspective to the diagnosis and treatment of psychological ailments. Insel says, "From the scientific standpoint, it is difficult to find a precedent in medicine for what is...
Despite some follow-up between local police and the Army Reserves regarding Card’s apparent paranoia, verbalized threats to shoot people and recurrent aggressive behavior in recent months, the documents do not indicate that Card was ever taken into protective custody or judged mentally incompetent ...
“I’m scared but I’m not going to show it. I guess this is better than staying downtown or at a bus station. At least if someone comes, I’ll hear them. Babie’s really protective.” Lisa and her dog make their way to the bus stop after spending the night in Sanchez Park. ...
The current study is part of the larger longitudinal “Trondheim Early Secure Study” (TESS) on mental health risks and protective factors in children. All children born in 2003 and 2004 and their parents in the city of Trondheim, Norway, were invited to participate. A letter of invitation to...
It faulted police for giving Card’s family the responsibility to take away his weapons — concluding police should have handled the matter — and said police had authority under the yellow flag law to take him into protective custody. Mental health experts have...
It faulted police for giving Card’s family the responsibility to take away his weapons — concluding police should have handled the matter — and said police had authority under the yellow flag law to take him into protective custody. Mental health experts ...
Hence, mental health partially mediated the relationship between domestic violence and substance-use. In all other significant models, mental health fully mediated the relationship between ongoing housing, financial, child-custody and social support needs and substance-use, as the direct effect (path c...