Landsberg G, Rock M. County mental health directors' evaluation of a statewide intensive case management program: The New York State experience. Journal of Mental Health Administration 1994; 21(2): 193.Landsberg G, Rock M. County mental health directors’ evaluation of a statewide intensive case...
RESOURCE MATERIALS FOR COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM EVALUATION, Parts I, II, III and V—edited by William A. Hargreaves, C. Clifford Attkisson, Marguerite H. McIntyre, Larry M. Siegel, and James E. Sorenses; National Institute of Mental Health,Rockvill ...
Rockbridge Area Prevention Coalition hosts annual Prevention ForumRead full article: Rockbridge Area Prevention Coalition hosts annual Prevention Forum Community leaders in Rockbridge County are sharing ways to address mental health and substance abuse among teenagers as part of the goal of the Rockbridg...
California's Top-Rated Mental Health & Substance Use Treatment Center. Akua Mental Health & Addiction Treatment in San Diego.
For example, studies show that people who play the lottery tend to have lower incomes than those who don’t, and the percentage of lottery players in a county is related to its level of economic deprivation. Also, people who choose their own numbers may be biased toward certain groups of ...
Salem County - Healthcare Commons; Sussex County - Mental Health Association of Essex and Morris; Union County - Bridgeway Rehabilitation Services; Warren County - Prime Healthcare Services – St. Clare’s; and Hunterdon and Somerset counties – Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences, of Rutgers ...
The mental health and wellbeing of care-experienced children and young people (i.e. foster care, kinship care, residential care) is poorer than non-care-experienced populations. The Care-experienced cHildren and young people’s Interventions to improve Mental health and wEll-being outcomes Systemati...
James Zanker has a passion for mental health counseling and music that has led him to volunteer his services at the New Hanover County Juvenile Detention Center. Zanker spends time with adolescents there and elsewhere, helping them gain confidence, while encouraging them to experience enjoyment throug...
Timothy was charged with obstruction, and instead of jail time, he was offered a spot in Denver County’s Court to Community program for offenders with mental illness. Through the program, he was linked with a case manager at the Mental Health Center of Denver and started therapy. When his...
Jonathan Tessier had little reason to complain of late. Profit margins were rising, his customer base was expanding, and the recent annual health inspection had wrapped up swimmingly with no findings. After years of fatiguing work and plowing through stress, things were supposed to be looking up...