NHS Is Failing People with Mental Health Problems, Warns MindThe NHS is failing nearly two-thirds of people with mental health problems who go to their GP for help, according to a survey out today by the pressure group Mind.
Mental health and wellbeing in England: Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2014. Leeds: NHS Digital; 2016. Sivertsen B, Vedaa O, Harvey AG, Glozier N, Pallesen S, Aaro LE, et al. Sleep patterns and insomnia in young adults: a national survey of Norwegian university students. J Sleep ...
The number of people who are out of work with mental health conditions has risen by a third between 2019 and 2023. 2023年,英国国家卫生服务局(NHS)的一项调查发现,在英格兰,每五名8至16岁的青少年中就有一人可能患有精神障碍,高于...
The nhs,in theory, is able to triage patients by need.In practice, a service that has long been understaffed and poorly organised is struggling with surging demand. The number of young people in contact with mental-health services has expanded at more than three and a half times the rate o...
According to the Centre for Mental Health, one in six school-aged children in the UK has a mental health problem. This is an alarming rise from one in 10 in 2004 and one in nine in 2017, as shown by the data collated by NHS Digital, 2020. Common mental health issues, such...
The NHS(英国国民医疗服务体系)plans to introduce updated mental health access standards as part of a drive to treat mental and physical health problems "on an equal footing".Under the plans, people in the community would receive help within four weeks for non-urgent treatment, and patients of ...
October 13 2024 Teenage social media use strongly linked to anxiety and depression Oxford university research comes as number of children treated by NHS mental health services surges Previous pageYou are on page1Next page
Medication management is a key aspect of treatment for patients with a mental health problem. The medication practices of patients and staff are therefore a key marker of the extent to which the health practices in prison settings equate with those of the NHS. The research reported here ...
The group will include Cabinet ministers from across the coalition government who will work to bring treatments for mental health problems in line with those for physical health. As part of this initiative, from April 2015 the first waiting time standards for mental health in the NHS will be in...
Since the service, which is part of NHS Forth Valley’s Mental Health Acute Assessment and Treatment Service, was put in place earlier this year, more than 300 people have been able to access expert mental health treatment and advice without having to wait in the Emergency Department for asses...