Pillay AL, Kriel AJ (2006) Mental health problems in women attending district- level services in South Africa. Soc Sci Med 63: 587-592.Pillay AL, Kriel AJ. Mental health problems in women attending district-level services in South Africa. Soc Sci Med 2006; 63: 587-592....
A study on the relationship between social anxiety and stress conducted with Chinese students by the General Health Questionnaire found that women were suffering from stress more than men [14]. Another study in England shows that the economic pressure and the problems of childhood were the two ...
But what about young women? Victoria Woodruff, Licensed Master Social Worker, discusses three mental health problems individuals in this group often present: Self-esteem and Body Issues A common issue for young women is low self-esteem, especially in reference to body issues. The “thin ideal,...
Infertility and treatment for it is a source of mental suffering for infertile women, with direct effects on different dimensions of their mental health (stress, anxiety, and depression) [6, 7]. The results of studies have revealed the reduction of mental health indicators in infertile women so...
Explore the causes and effects of stress symptoms in women and the importance of addressing women’s mental health. Learn more about how stress impacts women’s health, relationships, and daily life, and discover effective strategies for managing stress,
In addition to research, the National Institute on Drug Abuse has focused a number of its activities on the special problems and needs of women. The Institute is collaborating with the health care community to place increased emphasis on prevention and treatment services for women and is working ...
A trio of mental and physical health researchers with University College Cork's School of Public Health, has found evidence of poorer mental health in middle-aged to older people with obesity, independent of disease and lifestyle factors.
Consequently the treatment of women with recurring mental health problems in all mental health services needs to be adjusted to their needs. Research has also shown that women more often and sooner find help when in mental distress, and that they become less socially withdrawn on account of ...
Women may be less likely to seek treatment for these mental health conditions, potentially due to women societal norms and the expectation to take care of others and “hold it all together.” However, there is no shame in getting additional help. Many of these mental health conditions are tre...
A study of homeless people in Baltimore, Md, focused on their health and other characteristics, with special emphasis on their needs for services. In the first stage, 298 men and 230 women were randomly selected from the missions, shelters, and jail in Baltimore to respond to a baseline inte...