Aim: To understand the experiences and vulnerability to mental health problems during lockdown among the Indian population during COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted using an online survey form circulated through various social medi...
India is witnessing a rapid expansion of online mental health services, largely driven by the growing reliance on digital mental health platforms. However,
Gonsalves PP et al (2022) Pilot randomised controlled trial of a remotely delivered online intervention for adolescent mental health problems in India: lessons learned about low acceptability and feasibility during the COVID-19 pandemic. BJPsych Open 9:e7.
In advance of the formal launch in January 2023 and to showcase the potential breadth and scope of the journal, the editors ofNature Mental Healthpresent a Collection of recent and representative mental health-themed articles from across the Nature Portfolio....
During the COVID-19 outbreak, it is extremely crucial to look after our mental health. This helps in preventing suicides and other mental issues. Individuals should be encouraged to undergo psychiatric screening if they are experiencing any problems in their life to maintain a healthy mental ...
(26); In Turkey, among 1375 medical students, 52.4% of them reported feeling mentally unwell (27); and a study in India showed that nearly half of 2,021 medical students reported some degree of mental health problems, such as depression (50.27%), anxiety (51.46%), and stress (41.61%)...
Second, men suffered from more mental health problems than women when dealing with situations of high wealth inequality (Models 4 and 5). This finding challenged assumptions that females would prove more emotionally or mentally sensitive to many social inequalities65,66. However, a high GINI index...
Results from our new international study on mental health for Teladoc Health reveals the true scale of challenges in the workplace – from the magnitude of under-reporting of mental health conditions to what prevents people from seeking the support they
Even before the pandemic, it was clear thatdespite more resourcesformental health servicesin New Zealand and Australia, the prevalence ofmental healthproblems wason the rise. Mental health care in the current format isnot meeting the needsof people living in the community, and there's anongoing ...
As Ipsos'Global Health Service Monitorshows, mental health is now the number one concern when Singaporeans and people around the world are asked about the main healthcare problems facing their country. This study explore the issures in more detail. ...