Amethyst Counseling Services, PLLC is a private mental health practice specializing in digital/telehealth services. Offering individual counseling, couples counseling, psychoeducation, speaking engagements and more, Amethyst aims to help their clients bu
private practitionersrehabilitation counselingrehabilitation counselorsSummary This chapter focuses on issues pertaining to boundaries and multiple relationships that confront counseling practitioners in their work in the specialty areas of disaster mental health (DMH) and crisis work, private practice, ...
Our individual and family therapy address mental health, substance abuse, and self-destructive behavioral issues in Chicago
Explore our blogs for expert insights on therapy & counseling, strategies for growing your private practice, & tips to run a business as a mental health provider.
We may not be able to make you love reading, but successful private practice in the 1990s a new guide for the mental health professional will lead you to love reading starting from now. Book is the window to open the new world. The world that you want is in the better stage and level...
A mental health program is a national plan of action that outlines the strategies and resources needed to address mental health issues in a country. It prioritizes community-based care, deinstitutionalization, and collaboration across different sectors. These programs may also focus on specific populat...
A‘Health record’ is a record which consists of information relating to the physical or mental health or condition of an individual which has been made by or on behalf of a health professional in connection with the care of that individual. ...
aIn 1976, a group of community mental health, community agency and private practice counselors founded AMHCA as the professional association for the newly emerging group of counselors who identified their practice as “mental health counseling.” Without credentialing, licensure, education and training ...
Like other forms of diversity, religious persecution and discrimination based on religious or spiritual beliefs have historically been and continue to be widespread [21]. Professional and accrediting organizations across mental health professions have now included religion (and sometimes spirituality) in ...
The new DSM-5 was released in May 2013 and contains clarifications and definitions in keeping with changing experience and practice in mental health. • Intellectual disability (intellectual developmental disorder) –the term mental retardation used in DSM-IV is replaced with intellectual disability, ...