About mental health Worried about yourself or someone else? The following external websites can help Breathing Space NHS Inform ChildLine Samaritans We usecookiesto help improve this website.You canchange your cookie settingsat any time. Otherwise, we'll assume you're OK to continue.Don't show...
However, despite the exemption, most mental health units are introducing/have introduced smoke-free policies and, importantly, implementation guidance has recently been published. Smoke-free policies in Scotland are generally partial (i.e. buildings only). In advance of most NHS Boards in Scotland,...
Better Health (NHS)– When we are faced with stress it can be difficult to concentrate, focus our attention and make decisions. Ways of coping that have worked in the past for us, may not work currently or we may be limited in being able to carry them out. Some days will be better ...
NHS Education forScotland (NES) and the School of Forensic Mental Health(SoFMH) have been working together to increase access topsychological therapies by developing a robust trainingpackage to support the operationalisation of the 'matchedstepped' care model1 throughout forensic services in Scotland....
Mental health apps are efficacious, yet they may pose risks in some. This review (CRD42024506486) examined adverse events (AEs) from mental health apps. We searched (May 2024) the Medline, PsycINFO, Web of Science, and ProQuest databases to identify clin
“At present the mental health strategy, Towards a Mentally Flourishing Scotland is under review, but the abandonment of that commitment is a cause for concern. And abandoning it on the basis of the Aberdeen University research is extremely concerning for it accepts a very controversial view of ...
NHS Health Scotland commissioned the HEPS which was carried out by BMRB International and the Scottish Executive commissioned the Well? What do you think? survey which was carried out by Ipsos MORI and Stirling University. Statistical tests carried out on these two samples (student and population)...
The Trusts form part of the Northern Ireland health service known as Health and Social Care, which is equivalent to the National Health Service in England, Wales and Scotland (Health and Social Care Online, 2020). To be properly constituted under the DoLS scheme, the panel must consist of ...
services within this setting. In England, for example, the government has increased funding to more than £17 million between 2021 and 2025 and begun to rollout policies such as Mental Health Support Teams in schools, to improve mental health and well-being support in schools and colleges [...
This study examines the association of leave duration with depressive symptoms, mental health, physical health, and maternal symptoms in the first postpartum year, using a prospective cohort design. Eligible employed women, eighteen years or older, were interviewed in person at three Minnesota hospital...