In 2023, around 59.2 million adults in the United States received treatment or counseling for their mental health within the past year. Such treatment included inpatient or outpatient treatment or counseling, or the use of prescription medication. Anxiety and depression are two common reasons for se...
alcohol-related disease and drug overdoses – known as “deaths of despair” – per 100,000 population; the percentage of Medicare beneficiaries diagnosed with depression; and the share of adults who’ve reported frequent mental distress, meaning their mental health was not good during 14 or more...
The average life satisfaction of the adolescents in the “Mixed psychosocial health” profile was moderate (M = 7.48). This profile had the highest percentage of adolescents reporting one to two frequent (i.e., experienced more often than once a week) psychological complaints (74%), wherea...
In Proc. 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (eds Schmidt, A. & Vaananen, K.) 1–16 (Association for Computing Machinery, 2023). Bansal, N. et al. Understanding ethnic inequalities in mental healthcare in the UK: a meta-ethnography. PLoS Med. 19, e1004139 (2022...
Matan J. Cohen MD, MPH, PhD, in The New Public Health (Fourth Edition), 2023 Mental health Mental health is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her potential, copes with the normal stresses of life, works ...
This may also be related to the small number of respondents who met the recommended criteria to be considered at risk of GD; In a comparable study26, the percentage was three times higher, although it should be noted that in the case of a sample of 500 respondents, the differences between...
When the cohort was stratified by the reported shortage of mental health support (Table 2), there was a significant difference in availability. Specifically, compared with those not reporting a shortage, a greater percentage of those reporting a problematic shortage of mental health support did not...
Meanwhile, categorical variables are reported as numbers (percentage). To identify the effect of current mental health disturbances (as grouped by the GHQ-12) on depression, sleep quality and screen time among preclinical students during the COVID-19 pandemic, one-way ANOVA on ranks test (the ...
Created with Highcharts 7.2.2Consumer healthspendingGDP GrowthIncreasing patientnumbers of mentalhealth disordersImpact of InflationGeopoliticaluncertaintyGeneric drugs marketgrowthTotal market growth Notes: The growth rates shown are based on 2023. The growth rates of the drivers in the market driver chart...
Updated June 13, 2023. Accessed August 20, 2023. 42. Widnall E, Winstone L, Plackett R, et al. Impact of school and peer connectedness on adolescent mental health and well-...