National Institute of Mental Health regarding the applications for research on the effects of current programs that address the needs the of recent combat veterans including returning national guard, reserve and newly separated active duty personnel....
The article reports that mental health professionals are volunteering one hour per week for one year to counsel veterans and their families as part of the Give an Hour program from the American Psychi...
Imprisoned Veterans suffering PTSD are given AVS devices ( Light and Sound Machines ) to aid recovery from Stress Related Disorders) including Panic Attacks and Depression.
(Veterans are free to make use of programs outside their State of residence.) The largest numbers of mental health services, additions, and episodes were found in States with very large populations, such as California, New York, and Texas. However, the highest rates of additions and episodes...
ntal health clinics Veterans flock to mental health clinicsVeterans flock to mental health clinicsBenedict Carey
“Veterans have often made enormous sacrifices for our country and they sometimes face special challenges. Our nation has a deep obligation to make sure that we meet all of their behavioral health care needs,”KanaEnomoto, MA,principa...
Lesbian, gay, and bisexual Veterans from the Vietnam era report PTSD and poorer mental health more often than their heterosexual counterparts, according to an analysis of data from the Vietnam Era Health Retrospective Observational Study (VE-HEROeS). Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First NationThe Mental Health and Addictions Team provides a variety of community-based and culturally appropriate activities and services to support First Nations children, youth, adults, and families of Pikwaka...
A review of the literature on military personnel's transition from military to civilian life (MCT) was conducted, as part of Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) five-year Road to Civilian Life (R2CL) research program. The objective was to synthesize current knowledge about supporting Canadian Armed Fo...
The discussion will focus on how the approximately one-half million wartime veterans in Illinois can benefit from the natural and outdoor resources available in the Chicago region. Come learn about creative examples of successful partnerships between mental health providers and nature-based organizations...