healthcare workers require a good understanding of child and adolescent mental health, the right attitude, and practices geared to improving child and adolescent mental
FOCUS CHARTING® in a Psychiatric Facility Rose M Wheeland, RN, CNA, BSN Ed Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 2013;31(12):15–19 Cite this articlePublished Online:December 01, 1993 by...
There has been a shift in mental health services from an emphasis on treatment focused on reducing symptoms, based on a narrow notion of health and disease, to a more holistic approach which takes into consideration both well-being and functioning [1]. Mental health services in the United King...
and low rates of help-seeking have been shown to influence rates of service utilization. Researchers have noted that many people with mental health problems go undiagnosed and untreated, often due to a lack of knowledge about mental health disorders and their treatments, as well as a ...
There have been increased calls to address the growing mental health concerns of postsecondary students in Canada. Health promotion focuses on prevention and is needed as part of a comprehensive approach to student mental health support, with an emphasis on not just the individual but also the so...