It can be difficult to find trained mental health professionals locally. That’s true for most people who want some form of therapy or counseling, and first responders often need mental health professionals with a deeper understanding of their work. “It is very difficult to find that mental...
I understand the pain and struggles that patients face on a daily basis. Lucky for me, these illnesses have been manageable over the years, but given the recent pandemic and trauma we’ve experienced as health care providers, our mental health and well-being cannot be igno...
Nurses and the NHS. It would be wonderful if you could get involved. As always we’re totally inclusive, so there are no excuses, just do it. The International Council of Nurses have come up with a powerful theme this year, so I hope that ‘Health is a Human ...
"Upon being informed that Odell may be missing, we alerted authorities and worked with them to help confirm his whereabouts. Several of our nurses personally participated in the search efforts," the statement says. Odell’s death may be an extreme case of a growing problem in ...
Mental health dimensions influence coping strategies, with depression and nervousness linked to emotion-focused coping, and loss of peace of mind associated with self-solving, emotion-focused, and avoidance coping. Differences emerged between junior/senior employees and front-of-house/back-of-house ...
mind from the terrible cold and gnawing hunger. There were no books. The inmates did enjoy their short walks around the beautiful grounds. It was on one of those walks that Nellie Bly passed the kitchen and got a glimpse at the sort of food being prepared for the nurses and doctors: mel...
Matthew MenearMaude CharronMélanie Lavoie㏕remblayMarie AldersonJ Nurs ManagJournal of Nursing ManagementDuhoux A, Menear M, Charron M, Lavoie-Tremblay M, Alderson M. Interventions to promote or improve the mental health of primary care nurses: a systematic review. J Nurs Manag. 2007;25:597-...
The population of this study includes medical doctors and nurses in the health sector of Pakistan, China, and Saudi Arabia. There are two primary options for the researcher to adopt: probability sampling and non-probability sampling (Baker et al.2013). When the exact number of the population ...
Psychotherapy Network; Psychotherapists and Counsellors Union; Social Work Action Network (Mental Health Charter); National Unemployed Workers Combine; Merseyside County Association of Trades Union Councils; Scottish Unemployed Workers’ Network; Critical Mental Health Nurses’ Network; National Health Action...
(Tha- mil Eelam Health Service was part of the elaborate de facto state infrastructures and institutions evolved by the LTTE. The parallel[68] health service consisted of medical services to the militant cadres that included doctors trained in their medical school, nurses and other medics running ...