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Find the top Mental Health software of 2025 on Capterra. Based on millions of verified user reviews - compare and filter for whats important to you to find the best tools for your needs.
Management We understand your workflow Our software was created by behavioral health clinicians who work in outpatient and hospital settings. We work closely with those who are responsible for the operations of these organizations. Furthermore, we understand how this care ultimately influences client out...
Try Clinicom Mental Health Assessment Software Today! One Single Patient Online Assessment Detects Up to 80+ Mental Health Conditions
Deliver best practice, highly efficient healthcare services to improve outcomes for everyone with our mental health case management software
Mental Health Act Forms Consent Management A Technically Advanced SaaS Solution MasterCare+ is licensed as a cloud-based Software as a Service. That leaves the technical management to us and allows the latest, evergreen solution version to be securely accessible from anywhere, at any time, on any...
Mental Health EHR Software Clinical workflow management Specialty templates Dedicated coding Billing Insurance Payment E-Prescribing Treatment Plans Remote Patient Monitoring Custom Questionnaires Mood & emotions tracking Sleep Monitoring & Patterns Pulse Rate & Breathing Real Time Locating Systems (RTLS) Indoor...
A mental health electronic medical record software that is fast, intuitive and customized for mental health.
Industry leading practice management software for therapists, psychiatrists, and mental health professionals.
Try TheraNest's Practice Management System for Psychologists, Therapists, Counselors & Social Workers of both large and small practices for free today.