Mental health literacy (MHL) was introduced 25 years ago as knowledge and beliefs about mental disorders which aid in their recognition, managemen
Health Literacy is a popular term and research topic in the field of health promotion. Despite the vagueness of the concept and the high variety of definitions the underlying understanding of illness and health often remains unclear, especially the relev
EvaluatingMentalHealthLiteracyin the Workplace: Developmentand PsychometricPropertieso a Vignette-Based Tool Sandra Moll 1 ·Mona Zanhour 2 ·Scott B. Patten 3 ·Heather Stuart 4 · Joy MacDermid 5 ©SpringerScience+BusinessMediaNewYork2017 o mentalill-healthintheworkplace,withparallelques- tionsth...
Child and Family Social Work. Retrieved from cfs.12078/pdfMendenhall AN, Frauenholtz S. Predictors of mental health literacy among parents of youth diagnosed with mood disorders. Child Fam Soc Work. 2015;20(3):300-9....
Health literacy: the solid facts. 2013. assets/pdf_file/0008/190655/e96854.pdf. Published 2013. Accessed 26 Jan 2021. 15. Kutcher S, Wei Y, Coniglio C. Mental health literacy: past, present, and future. ...
'Mental health literacy': a survey of the public's ability to recognise mental disorders and their beliefs about the effectiveness of treatment. Medical Journal of Australia. 1997;166(4):182-6.Jorm AF,Korten AE,Jacomb PA,et al."Mental health literacy":a survey of the public's ability to...
In addition, the survey detects knowledge gaps about suicide which will be addressed by the e-mental health interventions. Thus, this intervention will contribute to an increase in mental health literacy, and suicide literacy in particular which can motivate affected persons to seek support. Further...
Mental health literacy, attitudes to help seeking, and perceived need as predictors of mental health service use: a longitudinal study. J Nerv Ment Dis. 2016;204(4):321–4. Article PubMed Google Scholar Golberstein E, Eisenberg D, Gollust SE....
Retrieved from: Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health (CAMIMH). (2007). Mental health literacy in Canada: Phase one report mental health literacy project. Ottawa, Canada: Canadian ...
Health literacy is a growing field with an increasing amount of research being conducted. Given the increasing attention to this topic it is surprising that there has been little research focused on adolescents (Manganello, Health Education Research,...