Knowledge and beliefs about mental disorders; attitudes that promote help-seeking; knowledge of risk factors and causes, treatments and self-help, and professional help available are all elements of mental health literacy. The complexities of practice with suicidal adolescents and young people suffering...
Mental health literacy (MHL) was introduced 25 years ago as knowledge and beliefs about mental disorders which aid in their recognition, managemen
EvaluatingMentalHealthLiteracyin the Workplace: Developmentand PsychometricPropertieso a Vignette-Based Tool Sandra Moll 1 ·Mona Zanhour 2 ·Scott B. Patten 3 ·Heather Stuart 4 · Joy MacDermid 5 ©SpringerScience+BusinessMediaNewYork2017 o mentalill-healthintheworkplace,withparallelques- tionsth...
Mental health literacy was higher for parents who were female, white, higher educated and had children who were older, had a bipolar diagnosis or received more services. Lifetime experience with mental health disorders also predicted literacy. Public mental health efforts are needed to raise ...
To assess the public's recognition of mental disorders and their beliefs about the effectiveness of various treatments ("mental health literacy"). A cross-sectional survey, in 1995, with structured interviews using vignettes of a person with either depression or schizophrenia. A representative ...
Factors influencing mental-health help-seeking in Arabic-speaking communities in Sydney, Australia. Ment Health Relig Cult. 2006;9:43–66. Article Google Scholar Jorm AF. Mental health literacy: empowering the community to take action for better mental...
Coaches’ knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about mental health—or mental health literacy (MHL)—can affect their teams’ mental health climates and thus the prevalence, detection, referral, and treatment of athletes’ mental health concerns. In the current study, we examined 1,476 National Colleg...
The program, The Compass Strategy, was a mental health literacy community aware- ness campaign targeting young people aged 12–25 in the western metropolitan Melbourne and Barwon regions of Victoria, Australia. The program was implemented from May 2001 to May 2003. Three key aspects of the ...
Mental health literacy is vital for well-being in educational settings, extending beyond academics to include social and emotional development. It empowers