Researchers found that contrary to public beliefs, most mental health symptoms were not tied to gun violence; instead, easy firearm access was the primary cause. “News media coverage on gun violence tended to implicate mental illness as the cause of gun violence and fre...
NEW YORK, July 5 (Xinhua) -- Whenever there is a call to do something about gun violence, many point to mental health as the problem, but the truth remains far more complicated, reported Psychology Today on Friday. There are two questions, really. First, are people with mental illnesses ...
Public healthPublic policy Serious mental illness and gun violence| Public attitudes and support for gun policy THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Colleen BarryGail Daumit McGintyEmma EIn recent years, mass shootings by persons with serious mental illness (SMI) have received considerable public attention ...
Additional assumptions around mental illness and gun violence place the burden for any solution on the ability of mental health professionals, law enforcement and/or family members to predict who might be likely to commit an act of violence with their firearm. “Red flag laws” which allow for ...
show that what’s at the root of this flurry of mass shootings isn’t inadequate mental healthcare, but the fact that our country’s awash in firearms. As onewitness to the carnage in Allen, Texas put it: “Mental health didn’t fire that gun. Those people were killed with bullets.”...
There’s a surprisingly strong link between mental health and gun violence, but it probably isn’t what you thinkHilary Brueck
Mental health disorders are much more strongly linked to self-harm or suicide than to violence against others. A very small proportion of people with serious mental illness pose a threat to others, the researchers stress, and gun violence and mental illness intersect only on their margins, they...
The post-Newtown national conversation on gun violence and mental illness has brought opportunities for gun policy reform. Several states have already proposed new firearms policies. With respect to mental health, these proposals include broadening the definition of gun-disqualifying mental health records...
Dr. Judith Curry had the courage years ago to urge broadening climate research about "natural variability" including solar effects. She wrote -'I think that...James MatkinThe New York timesDon't Blame ...
While witnessing and living with the grim reality of their peers getting caught in the line of gunfire, Durham’s young people are hurting, and they are asking the community for mental health tools to help them process the impact of gun violence. ...