Mental health legislation across countries: A comparison of Australia and South AsiaIsaac, M
The mental health legislation in England and Australia also provides for compulsory treatment of mentally ill persons in [...] 英格蘭和澳洲的精神健康法例亦 就精神病 患者 在 社區治療令下於社區接受強制治療一事訂定條文,確保離院的 精神病患者在社區繼續接受治療,並避免他們舊病復發...
University of New England, Australia Lobna Karoui Artificial Intelligence Leader, France Recommended GlobalNeuroscienceWebinars & Conferences Europe & UK Alzheimers-2025,FranceNEUROSCIENCE_2025,FranceStroke Meeting 2025,FranceEuro Dementia 2025,GermanyMental Health Congress 2025,France ...
There are already roughly 5,000 of these types of mental health practitioners in the country delivering services outside of the Medicare system, with no rebate and an archaic requirement to also charge GST (as it is not considered a health service under the curren...
In Australia, a number of governments have recently undergone or are currently undertaking reviews of mental health legislation in the light of the principles set out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This Convention has generated debates about (a)--...
S. Saxena, P. Sharan, in International Encyclopedia of Public Health, 2008 National Policies and Legislation on Mental Health Governments, as the ultimate stewards of mental health, have to assume the responsibility for the complex activities required to improve mental health services and care. Menta...
Since the introduction of the Equality Act 2010, clauses in other legislation which were themselves discriminatory have been removed. These excluded people who had been subject to the Mental Health Act from certain roles, including Member of Parliament, school governor, company board member, and ...
University of Melbourne (Australia) King's College London (UK) McGill University (Canada) Columbia University Irving Medical Center (US) University of Amsterdam (Netherlands) Past conference Report Overview The 38th International Conference on Psychiatry and Mental Health took place in London, UK, on...
Mental Health Care In subject area: Medicine and Dentistry CMHC is a model of care in which primary care and mental health care providers share resources, expertise, and decision-making to ensure that primary care populations receive more effective, coordinated, and cost-effective mental health ...
We argue that Australia is in breach of international obligations, with inadequate access to mental health services, inconsistent mental health legislation across jurisdictions and ongoing structural (systematic) and individual discrimination. Discussion Inadequate access to mental health services is a world...